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Winter Sports Safety

Cabin fever. Stuck-inside-itis. It goes by many names. And with more people staying at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, it has picked up a new one: quarantine fatigue. The best way to counteract fatigue during these uncertain times is by spending more time outdoors!

Winter sports such as snowboarding, skiing, sledding, and ice skating are a great way to maintain social distancing guidelines, but still reap the benefits of getting outdoors. However, it is important to keep in mind proper safety tips as you head out to the slopes or ice rinks this winter to keep you and your family healthy.

Layer up. Clothes that become damp from sweat can lower your body temperature. Be sure to wear a breathable base layer, one or two insulating layers, and a water and windproof outer layer to ensure you stay warm and dry. Dressing warm while involved in winter sports can prevent frostbite or hypothermia.

Be sun safe. Sunburns occur much easier on a ski trip than a beach vacation, even when it is overcast weather. Light is reflected off of the snow which makes it twice as dangerous. Be sure to use sunblock before going outside, cover-up when possible, and wear polarized sunglasses or goggles to protect your eyes. 

Use proper safety gear. This may include shin guards, mouth guards, and helmets. Using such gear lowers the risk of head injury or concussion in the event of a fall. Be sure to check your equipment regularly to ensure it is in good condition, and consider getting skis/snowboards, boots, and fittings checked by a ski or snowboarding shop before you head out. 

Maintain good nutrition and hydration. Being out in the cold temperature can drain your body’s energy faster than usual. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious foods, especially before engaging in vigorous activity. Dehydration is the main contributor to hypothermia, so be sure to carry water with you at all times, if possible, as you participate in any activities. 

Keep these tips in mind as you head outdoors this winter. We wish you a fun and safe season!

*Updated December 2020*

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